What’s On

Dark Sky Astronomy and Stargazing

Tonight's event promises to be a spectacular evening of astronomy. The event will begin with a personal welcome from our astronomer, Gary Fildes. Gary is a very experienced science communicator […]


Dark Sky Astronomy and Stargazing

Tonight's event promises to be a spectacular evening of astronomy. The event will begin with a personal welcome from our astronomer, Gary Fildes. Gary is a very experienced science communicator […]


Jupiter The Giant Planet

On these dark starry nights, we are treated to a planetary delight as this celestial heavyweight lines up for our telescopes. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system […]


Dark Sky Astronomy and Stargazing

Tonight's event promises to be a spectacular evening of astronomy. The event will begin with a personal welcome from our astronomer, Gary Fildes. Gary is a very experienced science communicator […]

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